Join us for Pocket CON 2018 at the Chicago Cultural Center, Sat Dec 15th!


Pocket Con 2018
Saturday, December 15th, 12-6pm

Chicago Cultural Center
78 E Washington St
Chicago, IL 60602

This event is FREE! Click here to register.

Pocket Con is a free single day convention for Chicago youth brought to you by a partnership between the Chicago Public Library, Free Write and LOKari Productions. It focuses on work by artists of color, particularly African American authors and artists, as well as comics with a primary character who is Black. Pocket Con also features work in the comic genre by other underrepresented groups, such as women, Latinos, LGBTQ, and other minorities. We have a strong belief in Indie comics and publishing, and welcome small press and self-published authors as well as those involved in related forms of expression and interest, such as webcomics, animation, small-budget film-making, video game design, and zines.

Our mission for this event is primarily to promote literacy using the graphic novel format, reflect on the history of race and gender portrayal in comics and film, and introduce characters, writers and authors who have a different voice than the primarily white, primarily male, primarily straight characters written by generations of comic authors (themselves primarily white, straight, and male). We would also like to empower young writers and artists by introducing them to the collaborative process that is comic creation and encourage them to produce and submit work of their own for contests at the con.